團隊 Introduction
於2014年製作人陳家蔚讀過一份市區重建局的文件,當中提及將土瓜灣打造成一個藝術文化小區,便策劃了一個以《尋找城市中的牛牛》 為題的聲音之旅,並邀請聲音藝術家謝振聲參與創作。當時發現計劃除了有探索和連繫社區的作用,更可以為那一區留低一些不一樣的文化文本。因此在2021年,伙拍護士廖健恩並邀請了音樂治療師周雪甄加入團隊,以《尋找大象 》為題創作六區聲音地圖集。
Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme 2021
計劃策劃 Project Curator
陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan & 廖健恩Emily Liu
藝術家 Artist
周雪甄Cat Chau、謝振聲Sing Jantzen Tse & 陳家蔚Kiwi Chan
計劃監製 Project Producer
雷晴 Jade Lui & 李芷媚 Jess Li
平面設計及社區地圖設計 Graphic and Community Map Design
吳芷麟 Tsz-Lun Gaw
展覽設計 Exhibition Design
陳家駒 Rufus Chan
錄像 Videographer
梁皓昇 Carlos Leung @Illusion Production
AR程式設計 AR Programme Design
陳宇軒 Chan Yu Hin @Gamestry Lab
特邀參與藝術家 Featured Artist
馬子恆 Liane Mah、陳偉光 Ocean Chan、Ankie Au Yeung & 貓珊 Maoshan Connie
製作助理 Production Assistant
仇瓏晞 Chow Lung Hei & 陳曉柔 Chan Hiu Yau
《尋找大象 》- 社區聲音地圖集“Life with Elephant” – Community Sound Mapping
周雪甄Cat Chau X 謝振聲Sing jantzen Tse X 陳家蔚Kiwi Chan
《尋找大象 》是以「社區聲音地圖集 Community Sound Mapping」去進行地區的行動研究 – 計劃、行動、觀察、反省;期望以「大象」作為引旨,走進社區,邀請街坊一同去尋找這隻看不見的「大象」。創作團隊以六區:九龍城、葵涌、粉嶺、馬灣、南丫島、坪洲為據點,從小城到小島,將以關注現代人的身心健康為切入,以計劃扣問「留低的意願」。於每區設定特定路線,以聲音導賞邀請您參與。
The programme aims at raising the awareness of physical and mental health of modern people by carrying out community sound mapping in six districts, i.e. Kowloon City, Kwai Chung, Fanling, Ma Wan, Lamma Island and Peng Chau. ‘Elephant’ refers to the idiom ‘the elephant in the room’, meaning an obvious problem that no one wants to discuss. The programme wishes to use elephant as a precursor to go into the community and invite the general public to look into the invisible ‘elephant’ (problems) together and find out ‘the willingness to stay behind’. It is expected that people in the neighbourhoods will be invited to participate in an audio guided tour with a designed route.

Cat Chau

Sing Jantzen Tse

Kiwi Chan
參與藝術家 Participatory Artists
周雪甄 Cat Chau
HK-Malaysian a multi-Instrumentalist, Theater Musician, Registered Music Therapist and Registered Social Worker based in Hong Kong. She is focusing on improvisation for for a theatre. Passionate to evoke “music child” on every individuals, believe everyone can play music.
謝振聲 Sing Jantzen Tse
謝振聲生於80後的香港,於中文大學藝術系碩士畢業。他的創作圍繞住對語言與溝通、流行影像與音樂、以及城市各樣風景的關注。他喜於應用不同物料,聲音錄像等多媒體作創作媒介。2017 年與友人創立「打邊爐創作室」,致力以團隊形式創造更多以探索聲音、錄像與互動裝置式的媒體。
Sing Jantzen Tse obtained Master of Fine Art in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His artworks focus on the topics including language and conversation, popular music and moving images, and city landscapes. In 2017, he and his friends started art group “Dabinlo Lab”, which focus on video projects, sound and music performance, and multimedia art production.
陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan
Kiwi Chan graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Arts in Inter-cultural Studies in 2013, And is now an independent project producer and creator mainly focusing on experimental theatre, Butoh-inspired works and site-specific dance. She devotes to contemporary theatre, as she believes that performing art is the best field for sharing the presence. She established Star & Dust Collective in 2021, with a commitment to arts project curation and production.
社區聲音地圖集結集六區故事 Community Sound mapping out stories of six districts |九龍城Kowloon City、葵涌Kwai Chung、粉嶺 Fanling、馬灣Ma Wan、南丫島Lamma Island 及 坪洲 Peng Chau
5月May 2022
探險隊召集Calling of the Exploration Team|
6月 June 2022
大象在社區 Visiting Elephant
@ 坪洲 Peng Chau
9 - 12 June 2022
參加者可於這個週末於坪洲書店 Islanders Space 尋找大象踪影
展覽 Exhibition
@ 灣仔富德樓 Wan Chai Foo Tak Building
14 - 30 June 2022