原定2020年的節目,因疫情關係而於2022年改於網上發表。經歷幾年風雨,特邀旅居意大利的日本舞踏大師竹之內淳志及音樂家Hiroko Komiya將定於2024年5月訪港。他們將會分享舞踏技巧及創作心得,務求讓大家以舞踏作為手段去探索個人舞動創作的可行性及可能性。竹之內老師首次訪港,除了分享3天工作坊外,還帶來一個巡演歐洲的獨舞作品《HANA》,萬勿錯過!
Because of the challenging pandemic situation in Hong Kong, this programme has been suspended since 2020 and altered into an online workshop in 2022. After all in 2024 May, we are going to have the first workshop and performance "HANA" of Atsushi Takenouchi & Hiroko Komiya in Hong Kong.
Butoh Dance Performances beautifully bend improvisation into a performance. By introducing an Italy-based Japanese Butoh dance company - Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN BUTOH, hopefully to offer another possible way of solo performance making and also seeing.

舞踏演出 BUTOH Performance
“HANA”花 - flower –
Open your life to the universe. Embracing the life of the tribute and the memory of the soul of billion years, the innocence from darkness to light and death to life is constantly repeated and continues to open. The beginning of the universe is love. The flower stares at the stars.
Atsushi Takenouchi (Butoh dancer , choreographer )
Joined the butoh dance company “Hoppo-Butoh-ha“ in Hokkaido in 1980. His last performance with the company was "Takazashiki" (1984), which was worked on by butoh founder Tatsumi Hijikata.
Atsushi started his own theme “Jinen Butoh” in 1986 as a universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times, environments.
He made a three-year “JINEN” tour project throughout Japan for 600 site-specific improvisations (1996–1999).
Since this time, he has been inspired by the spirit of the universe of Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno.
Since 2002, he has been mainly based in Europe, working on Butoh dance collaboration projects with dancers and actors in Italy, France, Poland, Spain, U.S.A., South America, and other countries.
Joining in festivals such as Paris Butoh Festival, NY Butoh Festival, Avignon off Festival, etc, he has been presenting his solo pieces.
At the same time, he also collaborates with film. He joined shooting in Alaska and Hawaii, “Ridden by nature” environmental art dance film has received more than 36 film awards. (New York Int’l film festival 2016 / Polish Int’l Film Festival 2016/ Aviff Cannes Art Film Festival 2016/ and more )
He has started 4-6 months JINEN Butoh school in Pontedera in Italy since October 2015.
In 2021, He published book ”Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh” ( author: Atsushi Takenouchi, Alan Frank). Publisher: Fundacja Pompka. Co-publisher:Poland National Institute of Music and Dance.
Butoh Artist 舞踏藝人:Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh 竹之內淳志
Live Music 現場音樂:Hiroko Komiya 小宮廣子 (JP)
Lighting designer 燈光設計:Bills Tin 田燕豪
Project Producer 項目製作人:Kiwi Chan 陳家蔚
Presented by主辦:一與異作邦

《振頻迴響 - 聲影舞踏演出》是一個以電影語言去結構聲音與律動的即與劇場作品。作品發起人為Chris H.Lynn (US) 及 Hiroko Komiya小宮廣子 (JP)。作品曾巡演到不同地方,包括墨西哥城、巴塞羅納等地。節目將於今年5月21日於香港上演,屆時將聯同本地舞踏手 loku Ero Nikaido 二階堂 伊奥 (HK) 和Kiwi Chan 陳家蔚 (HK),同場還會有特邀舞踏藝人 Atsushi Takenouchi 竹之內淳志 (JP) 一起即興演出,萬勿錯過!
“Frequency in Motion” --- AUDIO VISUAL BUTOH PERFORMANCE - is an improvisational repertoire that framing sounds and movement with film language. The creation is initiated by Chris H.Lynn (US) and Hiroko Komiya小宮廣子 (JP). This work has been toured to different spots including Mexico City, Barcelona etc. On 21st May 2024, the programme is going to be staged in Hong Kong with Local Butoh performers loku Ero Nikaido 二階堂 伊奥 (HK) and Kiwi Chan 陳家蔚 (HK), also featured Butoh Artist Atsushi Takenouchi 竹之內淳志 (JP). Don’t miss it!

Lead Artist/
Hiroko Komiya
Hiroko Komiya ; object sound, percussion and voice
She expresses the image which comes from the air, space, movements, inner body, memory and transforms it into the sound without bound melody or rhythm. She regularly accompanies Atsushi Takenouchi’s JINEN Butoh as musician since 1999. Based in Europe since 2002, she's been playing music for his performance and Butoh workshop internationally.
Apart from Butoh, she collaborates with film, sculptor, painter, poet, costume designer and performers for exhibition, installation. In 2021, started project with Chris H.Lynn ; US film/sound artist, and created audio visual performance with dancers (Hybrid Butoh Vienna Art Fes2022, Warsaw2023, Barcelona2023, Mexico2024 ).
Solo CD release; “eau nouvelle“(sometimestudio/Paris 2009), “Pendulum Sea”( beng!dischi/Italy 2016)

Lead Artist/
Chris H.Lynn (US))
Chris H. Lynn is a filmmaker, sound artist, educator, and curator from the United States. His digital images and Super 8 films explore the subtle rhythms of movement, light, and sound in urban and rural landscapes that vary from the Eastern shores of Maryland, U.S. to Nanjing, China. His work has been shown at the Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanjing, China, UNZALAB in Milan, Italy, American Film Institute (AFI) in Silver Spring, Md, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinamericano Habana, Cuba, Goethe Institut, Washington D.C., The Anthology Film Archives, NYC, and a variety of venues internationally. His work was featured in the book Cinema and the Audiovisual Imagination by Robert Robertson.
His sound works have been published on Impulsive Habitat, Verz Imprint, Green Field Recordings, Kandala Records, Plus Timbre and echOmusic and have appeared on radio programs worldwide.
Silent images on the screen
A Dancer pauses
sounds and notes linger on frequency in motion
萬物皆為頻率,一聲一吭造就不同迴響。一個空的空間內,Hiroko 以聲音出發,結合 Chris 的影像,舞者或停或動 般遊走探索。「念念不忘,必有回響」,同頻共振,一念一思間造就共鳴風景。
Live sounds, field recordings, objects, music:Chris H.Lynn (US) x Hiroko Komiya 小宮廣子 (JP)
Super 8 and digital film:Chris H.Lynn (US)
With Butoh dance performers 舞踏手
Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh 竹之內淳志 (JP)、loku Ero Nikaido 二階堂 伊奥 (HK) & Kiwi Chan 陳家蔚 (HK)
Lighting designer 燈光設計:Bills Tin 田燕豪
Production Assistant 製作助理:Wing Cai 蔡咏詩 、Rufus Chan陳家駒
Project Producer 項目製作人:Kiwi Chan 陳家蔚
Presented by主辦:一與異作邦