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轉念之間 A Mind Apart - 紀錄 Documentary

轉念之間 A Mind Apart - 紀錄 Documentary

《轉念之間》- 「沉浸式劇場體驗配以虛擬實境」
"A Mind Apart " – “Immersive theatre experience with Virtual Reality”
陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan  X打邊爐創作室 Dabinlo Lab



為突破傳統戲劇製作模式作好準備,是次製作班底邀請到跨媒界的創作人,以創作類舞踏小劇場的陳家蔚及多媒體藝術家打邊爐工作室為創作骨幹,配以創作演員以形體呈現,更特邀英國團隊「AΦE」 作技術顧問,期望給予觀眾一個不一樣的劇場體驗。


Reality television which showcases unscripted real-life situations is popular recently, while A Mind Apart is a virtual reality theatre experience. This show invites audiences, who are so used to perceive the reality through the screens, immerse yourself into an apartment. With the Virtual Reality technology, you can travel across time and space, so as to experience a dialogue of a couple.  The non-linear story is going to be unfolded by segments, all you perceive is a moment by moment. By rephrasing those moments, hopefully you can find a second thought.


In order to explore VR theatre, the production team is composed by cross-disciplinary artists. The core team is made up by the Butoh-inspired Theatre Maker KIWI CHAN and Multi-media Art Group DABINLO LAB, and the content involved physical theatre performers. A Ashford-based dance company, AΦE, was invited to be the Technology Consultant in order to bring forth this immersive theatre experience.

25-27.06.2021 (Fri - Sun)
Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel

演出時間 Show Time:

12:00, 12:45, 13:30, 14:15, 15:00, 15:45, 16:30, 17:15,

18:00, 18:45, 19:30, 20:15, 21:00, 21:45, 22:30, 23:15


地點:東南樓藝術酒店, 油麻地砵蘭街68號

Location: Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel, 68 Portland Street, Yau Ma Tei


演出長度 Duration:約30分鐘一場 Approx. 30mins 


演出語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese


票價 Ticket Price:$150

二人同行套票 Two guests group ticket : $250


策劃 Curator / 導演 Director

陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan 


多媒體藝術家 Multi-media Artist

打邊爐創作室 Dabinlo Lab  

     拍攝、剪接及聲景設計 Filming, editing & sound design

            謝振聲 Jantzen Tse Chun-sing

     互動程式設計 Interactive Programme Design

            陳榮聲 Alvin Chan

編劇 Script Writer

陳樂怡 Maxine Chan、陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan


監製 Producer

王思薇 Wong Sze Mei

作曲 Composer

李倩彤 Lee Seen-tung

佈景及道具設計 Props & Set Designer

陳岱昕 Dawn Chan

燈光設計 Lighting Designer

黎子瑜 Lai Tze-Yu

服裝設計 Costume Designer

周藍 Chow Nam


創作演員 Creative Performer

陳昊霆 Rauv Chan、梁海頤 Alysa Leung

演員 Performer/製作助理 Production Assistant

陳家駒 Rufus Chan、叶謹誠 Nicholas Yip 


技術顧問 Technical Consultant

AΦE (Aoi and Esteban)


劇場構作 Dramaturgy

高靜衷 Stella Kao 

平面設計 Graphic Design

吳芷麟 Tsz-Lun Gaw 

宣傳照片 Publicity Photo

Jesse Clockwork、陳岱昕 Dawn Chan 

宣傳片Trailer /錄像記錄 Video Documentation

梁皓昇 Carlos Leung 

前台 FOH

李穎盈 Eugenie Li

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks to 

牛吉地 ngau4 gat1 dei6

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主辦 Presented by


​支持 Supported by


​場地伙伴 Venue Sponsor 

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​票務伙伴 Ticketing Partner

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© 2021 by Star & Dust Collective

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